Friday, 7 February 2014

South African Actress Goes Completely Brá-less Exposing Her B0obs, Say’s She Loves Miley Cyrus [PHOTOS]

South African star Khanya Mkangisa In her interview with the Previdar  Magazine was asked what

she thinks of Miley Cyrus, read what she said below:

The public sometimes wrestles with the fact that child stars DO grow up, particularly if they go all ‘Miley Cyrus’ on us. What’s your take on this?

I love Miley and I can relate to her. I mean, she was typecast as Hannah Montana while she grew up in the public eye.  And that’s what people fail to understand – she GREW up. We ALL grow up. Miley got tired of her “little girl” image so she cut her hair, went blonde and twerked in front of the whole world. She is going through a phase in her life and it just so happens that she is in the public eye.  People must just accept that.  I’ve been called the “Yo-TV Girl” for the longest time, even though I’ve been on a lot of shows since, but it has still stuck with me. I can understand why Miley felt she needed the change.

Check more risque photos taken with Previdar Magazine below;

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