Monday, 7 October 2013

I Was Raped - A world famous singer, Madonna reveals

Madonna speaks about her life in the article for Harper's Bazaar
A world famous singer reveals shocking facts about her life in the article for Harper's Bazaar magazine, speaks on feeling lonely in a big city and on going through accusations when adopting her children.

Her very first year in New York, when she was 19, Madonna was attacked.
"The first year, I was held up at gunpoint. Raped on the roof of a building I was dragged up to with a knife in my back, and had my apartment broken into three times." she wrote.
This fact didn't prevent the star from moving further and fighting for her future. Trying to become a professional dancer she was posing nude for art classes. Madonna writes about feeling lonely in that period of her life.
"But it was hard and it was lonely, and I had to dare myself every day to keep going," she said.

Madonna makes a confession that move to England after marrying film director Guy Ritchie was not an easy step for her, as there were a lot of things she couldn't understand in the counry new for her, like class system, pub culture and others.
"Once again I felt alone. But I stuck it out and I found my way, and I grew to love English wit, Georgian architecture, sticky toffee pudding, and the English countryside. There is nothing more beautiful than the English countryside."
Madonna described the decision to adopt her son David from Malawi as "another daring chapter" in her life.

"I was accused of kidnapping, child trafficking, using my celebrity muscle to jump ahead in the line, bribing government officials, witchcraft, you name it," she wrote.

"I could get my head around people giving me a hard time for simulating masturbation onstage or publishing my Sex book, even kissing Britney Spears at an awards show, but trying to save a child's life was not something I thought I would be punished for."
She survived and, what is more, adopted her second child. Still, she had to spend a lot of time in the court to prove that she will be a good mother for 
"I tried to be more prepared. I braced myself. This time I was accused by a female Malawian judge that because I was divorced, I was an unfit mother. I fought the supreme court and I won. It took almost another year and many lawyers. I still got the shit kicked out of me, but it didn't hurt as much. And looking back, I do not regret one moment of the fight."
Having undergone a lot of difficulties and problems Madonna has developed her own life principles. One of them reads: "One of the many things I learned from all of this: If you aren't willing to fight what you believe in, then don't even enter the ring."

Source: The Guardian


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