Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bukky Ajayi Debunks Her Death Rumor

Earlier on today, word spread on the social media that Nollywood has yet again lost an icon - veteran actress and broadcaster, Bukky Ajayi. While some reported that she is critically ill, others said she was dead.
But the aged actress told P.M.NEWS on phone this morning that she is hale and hearty.
My son, I was surprised to hear the rumour as well. About four people had called me concerning this issue, but I didn’t take it seriously until my daughter and her husband also called. I’m hale and hearty, and nothing is wrong with me.  
If it was at a point when I was ill, perhaps, I won’t be surprised. But I’m very much okay now –that’s why I’m wondering where the rumour emanated from.” 

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